Monday, 30 September 2013
I can't wait for all the browns reds and orange colours to take new shots of, especially with the petal head hood to help me. :)
Can't wait!
Competition and businesses on Facebook
It took me long enough to finally pick up the courage to make my photography page because there is SO much criticism out there and so many horrible people, and then one day I thought why not.
Anyway, my point is...ever since this day I've noticed a S**T load of other Photography pages of other teens I know and stuff, and yeah fair enough...whatever, that's fine. But the stress and competition it's put on me and the rest of is, is so intense! Like what the hell? Where did this even all come from?
It's like, calm down's basically a place to blog your work and get feedback and an audience! Not piss on each others fire. And be absolute c*nts to each other?
In a way I'm liking and enjoying the pressure, gives me more of a reason to boost myself and set new objectives and directions, so cheers. :)
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Dalyan Boat Trip
Please follow my Facebook page
Thank you so much.
I said I'd update you on my new petalhead hood for my camera, so here I am....uuupadating you!
I haven't actually been out to try it properly yet, but I have fixed it to the camera and gone around the house (I know that doesn't make a difference whatsoever because that's controlled lighting) BUT here's the pros and cons:
- The fit is strong onto the filter screw.
- Hard and sturdy plastic, so you get what you pay for, not the cheap plastic stuff.
- Doesn't look cheap and nasty, looks professional.
- Does it's purpose for a great price.
- Although it fits strongly onto the filter screw, you have to think about it instead of being able to put it on quiclky, which for some people may be annoying depending on preference.
- You can't pack it away onto the camera as it doesn't have the screw setting on the otherside (turning it the other way so it basically hugs the lens) which makes it nice for putting in camera bags, but with people like me, it doesn't matter much at all.
- Moves around with the lens on "AUTO mode". Though, when you're on Manual setting it doesn't do this.
At the minute it has a '10% off' offer, so take a look and get your hands on this fab cheap lens hood and add it to your kit!
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Today I got a new toy! :D

It's so lightweight it felt like there was nothing inside the box! Nice little addition to my kit. I will write a review post one day soon about how good it is, pros and cons etc. :)
Thanks, Sam.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Meal, photoshoot and presents! :D
She bought me an AMAZING new backdrop for our 2 year anniversary, for my own personal studio to work with. I'm so happy with it. When we came home we both had a little play with it! :D Thanks ever so much Laura! I will be editing and playing with those images over the next week or so. :)
Get up, think about it, decide, move on.
If people are being c**ts, yeah okay! But I was genuinely making a suggestion, not critisized not even told you anything for improvements...I gave you an IDEA.
Pipe down! :/ ha okaaay
Hmmm :(
Anyway! Feedback would be awesome right now! Just uploaded some new material!
Go go GO! :D
Thursday, 26 September 2013
These tattoos were done at Club Exelsior hotel in Marmaris, Turkey. The service was great and very clean. The man who did it was lovely and funny, very cheeky lad! All items were sterile and out of New packets/packaging.
Both me and my girlfriend and really impressed at his work. Very happy!
It really annoys me
It really annoys me when photographers who are at my stage and lower or a bit higher, who arrange with clients a photoshoot...and then they either they don't turn up AT ALL or let them down mere hours before?
What is that all about?
It annoys me in my sense because it affects people who are still in the early days of their career in this industry because people and locals will be weary and a little less trusting in photographers therefore not getting much service they'd like or expect.
I can't stress this enough, I don't want people spoiling this for me when it's something I want so bad.
Hmmmm! Sort it out guys!
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Marmaris and shenanigans. :)
It was so lovely, and so nice and romantic at times. I had such a good time, and it was both of our first time without our parents being there, which made it pretty special.
The only downside was the men who owned places like the gift shops or "knock off" shops that they have absolutely everywhere baring in mind. They were horrible! Absolutely disgusting. They are actually the reason I wont ever choose to go back there. It made the holiday awkward because all the time, we'd want to avoid them at all costs.
Most of them are like LEACHES. They are obsessed with sex and girls. Shouting and asking if me my girlfriend and him want a gangbang? Yet he was telling us he's tired from f**king his wife excuse my language ..yes WIFE every night? What an idiot. You get looked at like you're a piece of meat everywhere you go.
Funny thing was, we passed a place where a sign said "No hassle" but as we walked past a waiter shouts to us " CHIIIICKS" raising his eyebrows as if to call us over. No. Just nooo? Why?! g.o.a.w.a.y GOD.
Don't get me wrong....The country is gorgeous, the boat trip was romatic and peacful, yet hilarious at the same time and I loved every minute of the holiday! But wow, some people in this world! Stunned.
Nevertheless, I got some pretty fine images on my camera of the week, so I'll be sure to post them at some point when I work out how to use this thing!
Cheerio. :)