Tuesday, 9 December 2014

SO, in my last post...

I told you about how I was going to use a disposable camera that I was going to use at the Lady Gaga artRAVE Sheffield.

Disappointing fact is, I only actually took one photo at the concert, and that was outside waiting with my best friends. OOPS! It's literally a fabulous photo though! :)

So, I also told you that the negatives have random cats on them so that when the photos are developed and etc, these cats show up...but you don't know which cat design is going to be on what photo.

GREAT THING IS! That we got lucky on the one photo we too, there's two cats situated either side of us so you can see us three! What I hoped that didn't happen was a big cat face to be smack on our faces so the photo wasn't worth even taking, but that didn't happen so i'm pretty pleased!

Downfall to the camera was it didn't work too well in dimmer lights, you had to have quite a lot of light, AND the flash aswell...so out of the 28 exposure film, I got one fab photo, and 2 other ones that look pretty cool and Tumblr-esque. So I'll do some work with those one day. :) The rest were completely black with random cat designs etc on them. Massive fail!

I would definitely try this again though, it was fun to experiment with what was basically the unknown! I'm going to buy a few different ones with different outcomes, designs colours etc!

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